Wrap Up!: Essential InsuredMine Features to Try Before 2025! – InsuredMine CRM

We are thrilled to introduce the integration of Canopy Connect with InsuredMine, a significant enhancement that simplifies the retrieval of insurance information. With this feature, you can easily access critical details such as premiums, coverage limits, and deductibles for both personal and commercial policies. Setting up this integration is straightforward. Admins can enter necessary credentials, … Read more

Is your Agency Climate-Ready for 2025? The Role of insurtech on Risk Management – InsuredMine CRM

During these recent years, the world has experienced record-breaking natural catastrophes, ranging from devastating wildfires to powerful hurricanes and catastrophic floods. These events have placed immense pressure on traditional insurance models, leading to significant coverage gaps and market disruptions, particularly in high-risk areas. The escalating threat of climate change is evident in the growing number … Read more

LIC Bonus Rates -2022 – 23 |Explained with Charts and Illustrations

Loyalty additions are paid as a one-time benefit in some policies in lieu of a simple reversionary bonus (SRB). The main difference is that, unlike the simple reversionary bonus, which becomes a part of the policy benefits as and when it is declared, loyalty additions shall be available to the policyholder only at the time of exit from the policy. … Read more

Secure Your Future with LIC’s Dhan Vriddhi (869): A Comprehensive Guide with Illustrations and Benefit Analysis

This extra insurance called “Accidental death & disability rider” helps if the insured has a permanent disability or dies unexpectedly from an accident. It’s useful if you work in a high-risk job, do extreme sports or travel often. It helps you pay for medical expenses, lost income because of the accident, lump-sum payment for costs, … Read more

Empower Your Future with LIC’s Jeevan Kiran (Plan 870): A Zero Cost Term Assurance Plan

In conclusion, LIC’s Jeevan Kiran Plan (No. 870) emerges as a beacon of financial security, catering to the diverse needs of individuals and families alike. With its flexible premium options, policy terms, and substantial life coverage, the plan paves the way for a stable and prosperous future. The unique maturity benefit, which returns the total … Read more

Why LIC’s Jeevan Utsav(Plan 871) is More Than Just Life Insurance

Description: ‘Sum Assured on Death’ plus accrued Guaranteed Additions, payable if the policy is in force. In LIC’s Jeevan Utsav Plan 871, the “Sum Assured on Death” is a crucial component of the death benefit. It’s essentially the guaranteed amount paid to the beneficiaries if the insured person passes away. This sum is the higher … Read more

Comprehensive Analysis of Life Insurance Claim Settlement Performance in India: Top Performers and Areas of Concern for 2022-23

• Number of Claims Settled: 9,22,207 •Amount of Claims Settled: ₹19,327.63 crore •Claim Settlement Ratio: 98.52% •Repudiation Ratio: 0.87% •Pending Claims Ratio: 0.08% •Analysis: LIC continues to dominate the life insurance market with the highest number of claims settled and a substantial amount of payouts. Its high claim settlement ratio, coupled with a low repudiation … Read more